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Menu breaks into second line

The header menu on my website breaks into a second line, how can I keep it within single line?

This happens if you have too many menu items or a few items that are very wide. If you have too many menu items, you should either:

Break your menu into sub-menus

Break your menu items into sub-menus. Having sub-menus means placing a set of pages below each other to appear as drop-downs only on mouse hover. This will definitely reduce the length of the menu and keep it on a single line.

Hide some menu items from navigation

Hide some of your menu items from navigation (check “Hide In Navigation” box below page name), this will reduce the length of the navigation thereby keeping it in a single line. You can then link to those pages from your pages and footer.

Reduce the length of your menu name

If you have page names with long texts length, you need to reduce it. Here is a bad example of a page name: “How Our Services Works” or “Positive Reviews From Clients”, etc.

This is a good example of a page name “How it Works” or simply “Services” or “Reviews”, etc. Keep it shot, you can write the full page name at the top of the actual page so that it’s the first thing someone sees when they click on that page.

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